Friday, November 07, 2014

Bad Anniversaries

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the Battle of Fallujah. Today, someone will remember that on this day his wife served him with divorce papers, or she will remember that on this day she learned her husband was unfaithful, or this is the anniversary of a heart attack, or a car accident, or that dreadful diagnosis, and on it goes; 365 days each year of dark memories coming around to hit us again. Not that long ago I wrote on this phenomenon. This morning, I am reminded again, even though I have no personal bad anniversary on Nov 7 to speak of. With only 365 days (plus one) to work with, every day someone is suffering one of those anniversary days. I guess the Spirit reminds me that more needs to be said about this awful thing of bad anniversaries.

I think that Heaven has those trees of life with leaves to heal the nations for at least one reason, and that is to wipe away all those awful dates. At first, one might think that wiping away all dates would do the job, but what about those good anniversaries? How will God maintain that memory of the wedding day, or the birth of a child, or the day you met that special man or woman, or that big project at work that actually completed on time and under budget with great results? Dare we look to forgetting that day when we knew, just knew that we believed and trusted in Christ alone to save us? Will we be made to forget all in order to wipe away what sin caused? Well, of course that is man's rather limited view of a solution. God can do so much more than man. Jesus said that what is impossible for man is possible with God. The prophet Joel said that God would restore the years eaten by the locust. We have many more promises in the Word that this life with all of its bad anniversaries is most definitely not all there is. Blessed is the name of our Savior!


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