Friday, August 01, 2014

The Body of Christ

Good morning on this Friday! We are part of the body of Christ. That means you like Metallica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, black cats, and good lasagna, right? Don't we like the same things now that we are a part of one body, the church? No? 'smatter with you? By now, you have probably come to realize through the characters you've met at church, Bible study, and heard or seen on the media that the body of Christ brings in a whole lot of very different people. In the Revelation we read about the coming to Christ of people from all nations, peoples, tribes, and tongues. With differences in language going all the way back to Babel, simply a different speech is more than difference enough, but it gets worse.

There are people in the body of Christ who do not believe every point of doctrine the same as you or me. There are Christians who won't eat meat, and others who do not believe mankind was created to nosh on vegetables. We don't come in the same color, height, weight, sex, or age. We live in diverse places and under strange governments. (Everyone put your hand down please.) Some worship on Saturday, others on Sunday, and some worship every day. And, by yiminy, some of 'em like some mighty strange music! Who we all have in common is Jesus, and sometimes you have to wonder if that is about it for commonality.

Only God could bring together a bride for His Son from all the different peoples, tribes, nations, and tongues of the Earth. We have persons of marvelous physical abilities, and those whose abilities have all but departed them. We enjoy music of surpassing skill, while other brothers are tone deaf like the football bat. A Christian may like cats, dogs, both, or be unable to stand pets at all. And by George, even our politics may not agree on all points!

Have a great Friday in the body of Christ,

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