Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hey, That Don't Go Together

Good morning in the grey morning! My stress-buster verse for this morning goes: My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. (Ex 33:14) As I walked along the merry ways of our little town, it occurred to me that those don't usually work together, going and resting I mean. If I offer to go with someone, I typically do not want to hear the snores of rest coming from the driver's side of the vehicle. Should I look out and see my neighbor walking to the store, she might think me crazy when I offer to go with her and give her rest. We have a little trouble with go and rest at the same time.

Perhaps it was understood that God would go with and then give rest at the times of not going, but do we dare limit God in that way? I notice that Jesus didn't heal anyone who said "there's no way you can do this, Lord." People didn't travel for miles to tell him their malady was impossible for Him to fix. Go and rest may not normally work together for us, but we're talking about God here. When God's presence goes with us, we can expect rest. Maybe it will be rest sitting still or lying down, or maybe it will be a charge of energy on the go that we cannot explain. Our job is to believe!

Have a restful day, even while going with God!

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