Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One Thing at a Time

The wind might blow just a little today. Hopefully it won't take my flag right off the house. I cannot type the devotional with my work gloves on. Nope, just won't happen. I must do one thing at a time and trust in God even for that one thing. I can carry two boxes, but still only do that one thing. If one box slips I may catch it, but if both slip in different directions I am doomed to a dropping. God made me for one thing at a time. Trying to think of devotional things and moving things at the same time does not work. I am not capable of 'expanding my mind to take in the universe and all its beautiful motion' as they said back in the days of flowery clothing and speech. Just as I can perform one task or think on one thing, I can only speak one sentence at a time. Imagine the confusion if we all tried to speak two different sentences at the same time. Pure babbling nonsense. So, when I sit down to read God's word, I must put aside all other concerns. If the phone rings, it is ignored. E-mail can wait. Work can wait. If the house catches on fire, the Bible and I run real fast out the door.

Concentrating on the one thing does not mean that an interruption may not come along to blow up my plan. Only God can see what is coming in the next few moments. However, when the Bible study time comes, I make every effort to make that my only activity. I strive to learn the self-discipline to keep my mind on God and His word. I strive to make sure that time is taken for prayer and Bible study each day. Lately, I haven't done very well at that. Whatever storms come in life, I realize that Bible reading must come first. I need my time alone with God, or I am truly lost and the Shepherd will come to find me again. Most of us can remember a time when we first invited Jesus to take charge of our lives. Usually we came to that point through some rough times. Spending time with Jesus is wonderful, but do I want to bring on the lost times again just to have Him come find me? No, it is so much better to seek His kingdom in my Bible right now. Better to check in with the Shepherd each day, and listen to His loving voice in the Word.

Have a better breezy day in Christ!

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