Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Family of God

Good morning and God bless you! When the world speaks of the family it is often to notice the lack of it. This family is missing the father because he abdicated his responsibility. This other family is missing the mother because she found another husband. Another family was so dysfunctional in its principal parts that the child ran away from home. Too many tragedies infest the world as is, causing families to lose members through no fault of their own without adding in pairs of feet ready to walk out. Then there is the organizations and governments of the world that want us to believe that we are part of some larger 'family' of citizens or employees. It is not to wonder why we are so confused about what a family is to each other.

In God's family, we each bring our strengths and our weaknesses to the family. We are to love the sinner in to the family, and not to exclude the repentant one because his sin is distasteful to us. All sin is distasteful to God, yet He welcomes all who call upon the name of Jesus Christ into the family. In the family of God, we may sometimes fall to the attack of walkin' out feet. The Shepherd comes to find us, gently asking what is wrong and bringing healing in his hands. So successful is our Shepherd that He reported only one lost from his family of sheep, and that one was foretold and made his own choice to leave. We need not fear that the one is us, because the Bible tells of the betrayal of Judas and the result when his sin came home. Christ Jesus made us the promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us. Though our Lord was betrayed, He will never betray. This family stays together with Christ as its head.

Enjoy the day with your family,

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