Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Courage To Do What I Know Must Be Done

Good morning and God's blessings to you my dear friends. On some projects there can be no doubt that I begin slowly, perhaps reluctantly, to do what I know must be done. Before I complain to God though, I am aware that other projects begun with the flame of zeal have quickly died out, as though the flame consumed too quickly the fuel available. When I go to God asking for courage to do what must be done, I am reminded that God may be feeding this fire slowly, letting it build up a base of coals, before He adds the logs that will sustain the fire through the night. God can do everything at once, but you and I are not created that way. Each must do what he can as God gives him strength and in God's time.

God can create a house with all the amenities on a lot in the middle of the grassy prairie. We must do it more slowly. Contractors must be hired, plans drawn up by those who have the knowledge, and materials purchased and staged at the job site. We cannot begin construction on the roof, walls, and foundation at the same time because one must be built on top of the next. You and I begin every project in faith, because we do not know what tomorrow may bring. In prayer, we ask God's blessing on our work not only to carry us over the rough spots in His love, but to have some assurance that what we do is not in vain. Trust in God, and take your daily steps in faith.


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