Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Job Isn't Done Yet

Good morning as the earth turns to face the sun once more. Sounds goofy, but I only did it because a famous minister said that no one ever says it that way. There is nothing quite like saying 'never' to get the rebel lurking in our hearts to immediately want to do just that never thing. However, saying that the job is finished doesn't seem to work that way. We look around and agree instead of jumping in to the final steps of the job that is in truth not quite finished. We cannot win by trying to use a reverse move on sin; the carnal man is too clever and cunning for that to work. Looking around the house this morning, I realize that the job is not quite finished to my satisfaction, but time is up. I can only hope that my life will be one of such effort, only to arrive at the end and find that if Jesus has not come then there is still work to be done.

Over the past 3 weeks, I have packed things in boxes by the score, cleaned up the house to as close to new as I can get it, received much help from friends in Christ, and repaired a few things with knowledgeable supervision. However, the job requires a last cleaning this morning, and then more deep cleansing that I haven't got to yet. My hand goes numb when I grip a paintbrush, my palms feel like sandpaper, my home looks like no one lives here, and me and the vacuum cleaner are getting way too familiar. I don't know where I am going to live, or if anyone will buy this place, but the realtor's sign goes up today. I'm also a little bit afraid that I might be the cause of several funerals when it comes time to move all my heavy boxes. Pretty much the same pain and fears experienced by anyone who has been forced by circumstance to move to another home.

Will I have similar fears when the time comes to move on to my permanent home with Jesus? No moving of heavy boxes will be required for that relocation. Packing will be a useless exercise for me. Buying this or selling that will be far from my mind. Clinging to this device or that thing won't be a part of the deal. After all of this work, I kind of like that thought. Even this body full of aches and pains may be cast away for a time as Jesus takes me home for a long rest. But! Today is a day for living and there is work to be done. Trust in God to provide strength to endure the test.

In Christ,

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