Monday, September 15, 2008

Step out! - September 15, 2008

Good Monday morning! Another work week awaits us, or at least some of us, in the this life we have been granted. Do you ever wonder if your voice will be heard? One need only look at the Bible to see that many different voices are included among its many pages. God could have tasked John with writing the entire New Testament, but He didn't. In the New Testament alone we read Mark, Matthew, Luke, Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and John as writers, and often they are only recording the words of our Lord Jesus. Get it into your head now. The Lord can use you! Old or young, fast or slow, simple or complex; whatever you think you are, God knows you and can use you to reach out to someone. Put aside what you think that you can't do, and listen to what the Lord says that He can do through you. Like many of you, I take an inventory of my own skills and resources and come up short on what I think that I need to accomplish the mission. However, we should not try to guess whether we can get something done based upon our own skills and resources, but on the limitless talent and resources of our heavenly Father. Do you look at the road ahead and feel inadequate? Me too... when I look at myself. We are told to look at God, and see His Creation and what He has already done for us. Looking at God, we can see that more than enough of what we need is available to accomplish the mission. Don't think that you can see what God has ready to finish your journey? That is why the Bible calls it faith! The journey ahead does look impossible and we have no idea what God will do to bring us to the other side, but our faith tells us that He will bring us home in the fullness of time. Step out! Start the journey and win the prize. God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus!


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