Sunday, September 21, 2008

Words of Encouragement - September 21, 2008

Good Sunday morning! God has granted us some wonderful ministers to give us encouragement every Sunday. I am glad for the gift of the Internet that allows us to receive encouragement each day from these same men and women who give such wonderful sermons on Sunday. With all of these messages and opportunities to hear the Good News, you might wonder how anyone can ignore God's grace. We know that before the end comes, everyone will have the chance to decide for Jesus or against Him. A person can turn off the television, radio, Internet connection and live "off the grid", but the message will still reach them somehow. We must not give up in spreading the Good News! Each day from somewhere and via some means or method, I receive encouragement from the Holy Spirit. Anyone else can get that same encouragement simply by asking and listening for the Word. I want to thank God this morning for His words of love and encouragement that come from so many voices and sources. Love and encourage each other daily. Jesus is Lord!


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