Monday, September 29, 2008

Strength in Him Alone - September 29, 2008

Good morning! Oh, come let us adore Him! What does this morning bring? Christmas songs for one; a little of Third Day's Christmas Offerings before starting the day. Wow, does the Lord give us strength or what? I did much more than I thought possible yesterday, and with a cold too! Sometimes we may stop to wonder where the energy and strength to do something comes from. The world would have us believe that we get it from within ourselves. However, I have found much more strength, joy, and peace from trusting in God, than I ever found within my self. When you or I go to the cupboard of our own self, we often find that cupboard bare. The constant rush of the world and the emotional drain of the news can leave us with nothing in our inner cupboard. In Jesus, we find a constantly renewing and refreshing spring of life. Strength, joy, peace, and love may come from what we thought an empty cupboard. I think that the Lord ran me through the wringer physically yesterday, just to show me that I receive strength from Him alone in this life and the next. Trust in Jesus to provide the strength we need to excel in this life and bring glory to His name.

Have a great Monday in Christ!


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