Sunday, March 09, 2008

Working on Sleep - March 9, 2008

Good Sunday morning! The sun doesn't seem to be in the right place today, but that should change over the next few days. Ahh, the dreaded time change. Groggy feelings at work in the morning, not ready to eat when arriving at home in the evening, all for the supposed saving of energy. I hope we have saved a lot of energy over the past several years; I sure do not like the changes and I cannot recall speaking with a person who does enjoy the time changes. If I have forgotten someone who truly enjoys each spring time change, I should send them a card in the asylum, perhaps even a "get well" card.

Today is that day where we fantasize about catching up on sleep. We have seen it in books and movies, where the character sleeps through an entire day or a weekend, and wakes up feeling just great. Well, in real life we know that getting the proper amount of sleep takes practice over time. We might think that good sleep comes naturally, but in this hectic world we find that we must work at getting a good night's sleep consistently. Practicing our faith is much the same. To have consistently powerful faith, we must plant our mustard seed of faith, and practice. Putting our faith into action is the practice we seek. Like any long term project, our faith may seem weak. However, we put our faith in a powerful God. Step one to strengthen our faith, seek out the Word of God. Read daily and study in the Holy Bible. Our faith will grow even as we see the goodness of our God.

God bless and keep you!


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