Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sowing the Seeds - March 19, 2008

Good Morning to you! What a glorious day it is in Christ Jesus! In Mark this morning, I read how Jesus entered a temple on the Sabbath and saw a man with a crippled hand. With the Pharisees watching and ready to pounce, Jesus brought the man up front and center. No hiding, no quick aside, "Psst, give your hand!" No, Jesus knew what the Pharisees were up to and came right out front with what He was going to do. However, before healing the man, Jesus once more asked a question of those very religious leaders, hoping they might be saved. Instead, the Bible records that Jesus was angry at their hardness of heart when they would not answer Him. A very obvious sign, just what they demanded, performed right in front of them, and once more they took off to plot Jesus' death. From our point of view as believers, this act of turning away boggles the mind. Jesus did just what they had asked for, performing a healing miracle right in front of their eyes. When the heart is already hardened, a sign may fall on that rocky ground that Jesus spoke of in the parable of the seeds. The hardened hearts of the Pharisees had no soil left for this new seed to grow.

You and I may experience just such a thing in our ministries. We may sow and sow, only to see someone reject everything we say to them. On the other hand, we may sow a seed and later another will reap the harvest. Praise God for that! In Christ that old selfishness is washed away. A seed sown in Christ is not "mine!", but belongs to the Master. You or I may not live to see the harvest, but in faith we sow the seeds. Praise God for that opportunity and privilege!

May the sweet joy of Jesus wash over you today!


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