Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter! - March 23, 2008

Happy Easter! Today our Lord arose from the grave and told us to let everyone know! Believe or don't believe, the choice is clear and holds no middle ground. Some might question the method, "Did he roll the stone aside or just step right through it?" That would be like Noah questioning whether he floated on salt or fresh water! Don't miss the flood by wondering about the water! Jesus rose from the dead, believe it and live!

In writing, I learned to exercise restraint in the use of exclamation points. The theory being that the more one uses them, the less effective they are in the writing. That works right up to speaking of Jesus and His resurrection. Everything and every word written about the resurrection should have an exclamation point, perhaps more than one!

In thinking of bad habits today, I am struck by how we want overnight results. We should take a look at the resurrection and realize that even that didn't happen overnight. Jesus was buried in the tomb before the Sabbath began on Friday at sundown, and did not rise from the dead until Sunday morning. Now if the power of God waits on the perfect time, don't you think we can look at our bad habits with a patient view and work toward God's perfect time?

Why does everything I write point to the resurrection today? Well, it's Easter! It would be very difficult as a Christian to think about anything else today. Praise God that my last college assignments are ready to go. I can spend the time today watching The Passion of the Christ without worrying about other things. Watching the portrayal of Jesus' suffering is heartbreaking, but the victory won on this day so many years ago was worth the price He paid!

Have a great and happy Easter Sunday!


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