Friday, March 23, 2007

March 23, 2007

Good morning to you and let God’s name be praised this day! I am glad to be here on this fine Friday morning. Some mornings I just want to wait patiently for a closer walk with Jesus, other mornings I am caught trying to get out and push. Perhaps like today, I am running late and not getting ready for work as quickly as I should. I try to hurry along the devotional, read a Bible passage or two quickly without taking the time to meditate on it, eat quickly and hustle to the shower while skipping the morning stretching, all of this contributes to a “hurry up, Lord” atmosphere where I am trying to draw words out for my benefit. When a pause in the rush comes, I see that the Lord will not be rushed and that I am the one who needs the calm and his peace in my heart. What if you or I are a few minutes late to work one day? I’m not saying that we should make a habit of it, but starting the day in a rush often means that we will be behind all the day long. Writing a devotional in a rush, “just a few quick words, and then I must run…” does not give me time to meditate on what I am writing.
Often, I am surprised by what comes from my typing fingers as I try to listen for what the Lord is saying; “My peace I give to you…” Let us not try to overcome the Lord’s peace with our rushing about. Waiting on the Lord has more than one meaning or connotation; one, we wait on the Lord as a servant serves the Master, and another; we wait for the Lord to tell us to go. Just as a runner cannot rush the starter’s pistol as he or she would only be disqualified, we cannot rush the Lord and must learn to wait on His perfect timing. Jesus came the first time in the fullness of time, and will return in the same way. We will be called home to Jesus, again in the fullness of time. The only place anyone will get by rushing is their own destruction. Trust in the Lord’s timing and wait patiently on Him. Enjoy the peace in your heart given to us by Jesus.

Have a wonderful weekend in the Lord!

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