Monday, March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007

Good morning! Does it seem kink of early to you this morning? Ah, the spring time change when going to bed seems too soon and getting up definitely arrives too quickly. Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ may do something similar. Perhaps they are just too this or not enough that for one of us to feel comfortable with them. We may not “hit it off” with all of our Christian family members right away. Another Christian may rise early and hit the day running, while you may rise later and not feel comfortable socially until the evening hours. That is why Paul refers to us as the body of Christ; we are not all the same part. God has called a wonderful variety of people to serve in the body of Christ. You or I may not “team up” well with another because of a difference in our personal constitution or style. Love will recognize that we are not matched well with another believer without jealousy or anger. That brother in Christ might be rock n’ roll and you might be a waltz. A sister in Christ might move to calypso and you to classical. That does not mean that either case is wrong, only that we are different. I realize this might be a bit heavy on this first “time change” Monday of the spring, but the looming threat of everyone being a bit cranky this morning has brought it to mind. Rejoice in our differences today, and yes, you can wait until you wake up fully.

God love you!


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