Friday, March 02, 2007

March 2, 2007

Good morning. Wind, welcome to March and the wonders of wind. Wow, I’m writing a bit late today (vacation day) and the sun is a bit too much for writing. The odd time change will be arriving early this year, next Sunday (March 11) we will have to give it a go 3 weeks sooner than we are accustomed to. That is if we can ever really get accustomed to our dear old government yanking us around by one hour in the spring and fall each year.
Have you ever felt like a sailor on the sea of life? I mean that we all have our little boat on the great ocean of life; we can see to the horizons, up to the vault of the sky, and down only a few feet into the water. We realize at times just how little of this ocean and sky we can perceive from our limited point of view. Like modern day ships and boats, the vastness of the ocean beneath us it too great for us to fathom. Who knows what surprises and wonders we sail over each day? Trust in God allows us to raise the sail or dip the oars back in and move forward. Fears of what lies beneath, or what we imagine might lie beneath, will come to our minds, but God will give us peace as we turn the rudder over to Jesus. The metaphor of a ship on the ocean occurs often in Christian thought, and it is very appropriate. When one realizes that miles of water lie beneath the keel of your ship and that few really have any idea what that water and the ocean bottom contain, it can be a fearful thought. Trust in Jesus and sail on!


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