Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007

Good morning to all! The love of the Lord Jesus shines upon us this day. Have you ever prayed to the Lord for mercy on your state or nation? From the news of sin and death in this world it would seem to me one of the things that are holding back the Lord’s judgment on our nation. There are many who throw their freedom in the Lord’s face, doing whatever they please and becoming proud in their sinful actions. The worldly people of this country often look up to or admire the wrong sort of person. Criminals are romanticized, drug use is made glamorous or funny, sexual sin of all sorts is shown in a sympathetic or appealing way, and the lusts of the flesh are pandered to on an ever grander scale in our books, magazines, television, and movies. All Christians should pray for mercy on this nation. In many ways we have strayed far from the Lord. I know that it may seem at times that we are praying for a sinking ship, that this world or country is far beyond our help through prayer. However, we must always remember that the Lord is mighty to save; revival can start at any moment in some little corner of the country and spread like it did during the Great Awakening. Pray for each other that we might all have the strength to continue spreading the Good News of salvation in Christ Jesus.

God bless you all this week,


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