Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007

Good morning to you! Welcome spring! We had our first spring thunderstorm last night and I don’t believe that produced any rain. Sort of like this world we live in, a lot of flash and bang, but no real joy and grace. Jesus offered the woman at the well a drink that would quench her thirst forever. She thought that he meant water from the well, even to the point of asking him how he would get it without a container. The scripture goes on to tell us the truth; that Jesus offers the water of life flowing from himself, the grace of salvation through his death and resurrection.
I see a lot of good words flowing around the Internet through websites, chats, and e-mail. God has blessed us with a wonderful medium for communication and the spreading of His Good News! Of course anything like this can be misused, but why concentrate on the bad? When spring has arrived do we still think of winter? Take a moment or two to send an encouraging e-mail to someone today. Perhaps someone who is not expecting it.

God bless,

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