Monday, June 03, 2024

Can We Elect George Washington?

The law of truth was in his mouth,
​​And injustice was not found on his lips.
​​He walked with Me in peace and equity,
​​And turned many away from iniquity.
  -- Malachi 2:6

In pondering the two leading candidates for the next presidential election, I wondered this morning if we might not elect George Washington again for a new start. Lots of things in this world seem to start out well, and then they decline to the present time. In Malachi 2, God lets His priests know that is what has happened to them. The Lord tells of His priest, Levi, and then compares this to how His priests are acting in the scriptural present time. And it ain't looking good for them. Of course it isn't difficult for us today to look at what comes out of our mouth and lips and do a little comparison too. And it ain't looking good for us all the time and with every word neither. Perhaps we too need a new start. A few years down the road from Malachi, Jesus told Nicodemus that very thing: you must be born again.

Praise God for a new start in Jesus!


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