Friday, June 07, 2024

Like Children, Trust in Him!

Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 18:3

One of the many statements Jesus made that leave us wondering and pondering. How does one come to be a little child again? Much of our lives we have been reminded to grow up, here He says to grow back? Of course the simile is in the word 'as', and not in becoming a child again. So what might be the qualities of a child we should seek out? Complete trust in her parents? Yes, that sounds like what Jesus wants from us. An innocent love for all those around him? Sure, sounds like one of those greatest of commandments our Lord mentioned. An earnest desire to learn from God's Son? Yes, the children did seem to flock to Him, and He would not suffer them to be denied. Those answers may not satisfy, or you may think of others. We always have what children have in Him though, the ability to ask of Him. And, when He asks of anyone, including us, as He often did in the scriptures, we can always trust in His knowledge because He knows. 

Like children, trust in Him!


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