Thursday, June 20, 2024

Waiting Here

until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen, Acts 1:2

The apostles were gathered again with Jesus, risen from the grave, and He gave them commandments. But wait, o people of action, one of the first commands from the risen Lord was to stay in Jerusalem and wait for something to happen to them. One of their first questions: Now, are You going to restore the kingdom to Israel? So often we want to go. Go forth, go do, gotta go something, but He tells us to wait on Him, stay until we are prepared here in this place. If we have to wait, then we want Him to go forth and do big things that we want to see happen, much like those disciples. And for what we call a long time now, nothing big has come but what He said would be seen - wars and rumors of war, earthquakes in various places, and so on. For those He said to see that we are not troubled. Dang, if we must wait for Him, at the least we want to worry and fret while we wait!

Waiting here, learning patience, kindness, love, and other fruits of the Spirit.


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