Thursday, June 27, 2024

There Is Our Testimony

So they went out quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring His disciples word. Matthew 28:8

Spreading the good news of Jesus was shown to us in this verse for today. Fear came with good news for the angel's face shone like lightning in a place only just beginning to see the new day. The angel told the women the good news of our Lord's absence from the place of death. But He had died as they were told to look where His body had been laid before the great news, He is risen. Such great joy! For it was just as He had foretold, death and then resurrection. And look, the guards had become like dead men, but there was no dead body to see! Then run and tell those who love Him, and run they did to spread the good tidings of great joy.

Tell it! Good news is fun to share.


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