Monday, June 10, 2024

Not Always Pleasant

Know now that nothing shall fall to the earth of the word of the LORD which the LORD spoke concerning the house of Ahab; for the LORD has done what He spoke by His servant Elijah. 2 Kings 10:10

Our verse for today sits in the middle of a lot of killing violence. We cannot get away with portraying the word of the Lord as always nice or pleasant or easy. The word of the Lord often tells the story of great evil and terrible violence. Many times the violence was done by humans to one another, but there are times of punishing violence from the Lord too. The Deluge in Genesis was not a gentle shower for a few dirty people. It was a deluge from above that lasted until every person but Noah's family was killed. Some will gleefully shout, "Unfair!" and cast doubt on God's love for His creation. However, this tests whether we can still believe in God's love and goodness, and when we can, then we have faith in Him.

Faith believes when the word of God is not always pleasant to read.


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