Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Failed The Blood Test

And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth. Revelation 18:24

It's that time of the year for me, and the annual check up with blood testing. Well, I didn't pass out yesterday, but neither did they find any blood in me to test. Yes, I failed my blood test. We can assume that there is blood in me to find as I have not felt the urge to run around at night biting anyone on the neck like that Dracula dude back in the day. And while it might seem that I would be safe from this woman of Babylon in this condition, we run into one of the tragedies of the Bible, slaying.

In Genesis 4:10, the blood of Abel calls out to the Lord from the ground. The first slaying victim comes so early in the story that we can hardly believe it. How will the race of humans make it with only four, now three, people on the Earth? Well, the whole be fruitful and multiply thing took off like a rocket and it was not long before even Cain found a wife in the land of Nod and did some multiplying himself. All of this fruitfulness does not bring peace though, and just two little chapters later in Genesis (v11), God sees the entire earth filled with violence and corruption.

Interestingly, Jesus lays the blame for all of this at two doorsteps. In John 8:44, He tells of a devil who was a murderer from the beginning, and then in our verse today, comes that same woman of Babylon. It will not be difficult for us to figure out that this queen of Babylon must come with a king and that he must be that same murderer. But don't take my word for it, read the tale.

It is a lengthy tale, starting as it does just after the beginning and carrying its violence, corruption, and slaying to just before the end. However, in the middle comes a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!


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