Monday, June 24, 2024

Slow Down And Do It Faster!

So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Acts 15:8-9

After much dispute, the moment came for us Gentiles in the council of the early church elders and disciples. And it was Peter who stood forth to speak up for us, speaking of the heart that God knows. Ah, the more difficult conflict may well be those hearts that God knows. While the Jews of our Lord's time may be known for their hardness of heart, the Gentiles of our time might be as well known for their waywardness of heart. Truly the seed of the gospel finds a lot of rocky and thorny ground in our hearts even now. Life for many of us remains quite complicated and brings to us many distractions for our attention. Each of us may at the same time be judged as too busy and too slow to get started. Meaning, I suppose, that we need to slow down and do less, but do more and do it faster. We can take some relief that our Lord commanded us to love one another, and not to satisfy what each may think we ought to be or do. One thing we can do with our Lord, take more time for prayer and the Word!

Praise God for time with Him!


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