Wednesday, June 26, 2024

More Good News

But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. Matthew 24:36

"There's that word again, soon," they make light of that poor word in that series we like, The Chosen. Yet, when it comes to the good news of our Lord's return, we can only offer that same word. In an age where we like to place a date and time on our calendars to make sure that we are on time, there is no time or day to be known. The revealing of it is promised, but not until the time of the appearance. God knows it, but this is one thing that He keeps to Himself. It is a frustrating mystery to us that has tripped up a few cult types down through the years. Naming a date and time all but guarantees it won't be that day and hour, unless of course the namer did not really believe it, and then you fall into a whirlpool that never ends. And so, it will happen...soon!

Jesus will return for us, He promised!


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