Monday, December 14, 2020

What Need We?

Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need do we have of witnesses? Mark 14:63

Christmas brings to mind requests for what we need, and so a search of those three words in the Bible should bring up an interesting verse about asking for our needs and maybe a few wants as we often do at Christmastime. Three verses in the New King James version use those words with each other and each verse is turned into a question form such as Mark reports in his gospel account, and all three verses are from that same incident. The high priest of the Israelites wanted his next Christmas to be one without Jesus, the Christ. And each year we lament how well that high priest's wish was fulfilled in this world. 

However, the One standing trial there in that moment when the high priest ripped his attire is the One we need at Christmas and any other time. What need we? We need the Lord Jesus, the Christ. On a starry night outside of Bethlehem, the ancestral home of the kings of Israel, some shepherds were among the first to hear the good news of the arrival of God's Son. The greatest of gifts began the first Christmas in the manger of a stable. 

May we rejoice this day in the Lord's Christ!


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