Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Can A Person Evolve Into The Christian Life?

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  John 3:3

Stand still and read for a bit and words such as ev0lution and evolve will float by in the media and in text. There are some who believe that the way to the kingdom of God is to evolve into a better version of themselves. These have this lifetime improvement program going on that will surely cause evolution to occur given sufficient time to become a righteous person. Sounds good! However, that does not fit any conceivable interpretation of two important words in our verse for today; those would be of course, "born again." 

In evolution theory it is the succeeding generations who reap the benefits of those who went before them. Should a person achieve some place in life where fittest might apply then the next generation, assuming he/she can find a fittest mate, becomes somehow fitter still. But that is not the one person being born again, that's a genetic copy who gets to be fitter than fittest, or something like that. We as persons get one shot at this thing, and Jesus just said that this one life is not fit to enter the kingdom of God by stating, "unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." One life and it won't work to save us no matter how much we try to evolve into good? We are in trouble! 

It's a good thing our Lord Jesus knows how to get that rebirth going for all those who believe in Him! 

Love in Christ,

P.S. Still recovering at home with a little horse in my throat and quite a few sneezes in my honker. 

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