Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Time Unbelief

Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child.  Luke 2:17

Few stories in the Bible offer as much opportunity for unbelief as the Christmas verses in Matthew and Luke. Shepherds out in a field with sheep is no problem for anyone because that is something still practiced today - though the shepherd may have a pickup and a camp trailer, perhaps even a dog or two. But when it comes to the glory of the Lord shining 'round about them and a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and singing. Well, let's just say some will find that difficult to believe. It is far easier to call into question the mental ability of the shepherds, than to believe their tale of angels and a holy birth. And speaking of births...

And then there was Mary. 

"Mom! Dad! Guess what? The Holy Spirit has overcome me! I'm gonna have the Son of God!" 

I'm not even a parent, much less a parent from Roman Judea about the time of, oh, Zero A.D. and I can see an opportunity to call the young daughter I thought I knew something along the lines of, maybe, nutty as a fruitcake? 

Much of the Bible makes unbelief so easy. Praise God for His Spirit who gives us the ability to believe in Him! 


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