Friday, December 04, 2020

Take Heart, He Comes Again!

“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.  John 16:22

In the immediate sense, Jesus spoke to His disciples about that time between His death on the cross and His resurrection when they would sorrow. He assured them of His return from the grave and their joy. However, we who live so many years later also see a fulfillment in the time of faith and not seeing our Lord each day by sight, and that great time when He will meet us in rejoicing and our joy will not be taken away, ever. Sorrow almost seems a constant companion to us in this age, but Jesus truly is our constant companion through His Spirit. One day though, His wonderful gracious majesty will come to get us from this place of sorrow and give to us a joy that will leave us singing in awesome joy, "Immanuel!" 

So, take heart followers of our Lord Jesus, He comes again!


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