Saturday, December 05, 2020

All The More Reason

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.  Matthew 5:44

Made it through another tough anniversary. No, not an ex-spouse from an ex-marriage as many observe each year. My anniversary is first from Beirut, Lebanon where Marines gave their lives for our country on that day in 1983, and then a more personal anniversary from a Friday in 1998. On that day I had one of those temporary homes that we have here on this earth and I was trying to make the trip from far away. Twenty two years later, I still have not made it back to that home. But that is another story. 

This morning, I was met with the opportunity to pray for a group of people I do not know and whose problem does not affect me at all. The thought came to me that this is all the more reason to pray for them. I have nothing at stake in the problem or the resolution, why should I care? And this is of course where we are called to care, love and pray.

Imagine a state governing body has passed a law wherein the governor, the legislators, and all government employees are allowed by this law to kick puppies into the path of any vehicle they choose and for this the puppy-kickers receive a bonus on their paycheck. Most everyone would pray for and even work for the ending of such a terrible law. No faith in the Lord's Christ would be needed for such an effort. Now imagine a law has been passed that prevents only a few wealthy folks far away, none of whom you or I know, from buying another toy each of them really want. Do you care that they acquire yet another toy? No, probably not. And yet, this might be all the more reason for us to pray for them.

And then, Jesus took it one big step further. He said to pray for those who throw rocks at us, have us thrown in jail for our testimony, even have some of us killed because of the name of Jesus! You might think that those things do not happen here in this civilized land of religious freedom, and be correct. But our Lord said to pray for those who tell lies about us, try to stop our worship services, prevent the pastor from endorsing a political candidate, or even say that thing about how Christians are all hypocrites! Are we to pray for them too? All the more reason, our Lord has given to us, to pray for those who hate. 

Have a great weekend in Christ the Lord!


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