Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Want To Go Away?

But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. John 6:68-69

Jesus our Lord had just been abandoned by many disciples and He asked the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?" Peter then gives perhaps his greatest answer. In response did our Lord say what a great guy Peter had become? No, He pointed out that one of the twelve was a devil. That must have rocked Pete back on his heels a bit.

This time Peter may have the right of it, but he may have presented it as a 'look what I've discovered!' sort of thing, taking credit to himself and his fellow disciples. Jesus reminded the twelve that He chose them first, and, one of His choices was going to betray Him. John of course had the answer when he wrote down his gospel account, but at the time of the incident, Judas was unsuspected and well liked by all.

There have been times in my life that I wanted to go away. Most of us will feel the urge to take off for greener pastures at some point. However, if what I call 'me' was divided into twelve, one of them would be a devil, and he would come along for the journey. My greener pasture would have a deadly snake in it even as I arrived there. I know this; you know this about yourself, but to whom do we go for help in this matter? The same One Peter and the gang went to of course: Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Just as our Lord knew the devil among the twelve and eventually sent him on his way to do his dirty deeds, so one day our devil will be outed by the Lord and sent packing. Going away on my own won't help, but following my Lord will. Trying to take credit for myself won't do in that devil, but giving the glory to God will one day be our celebration as we bid the old flesh good bye.

Great is the name of our Lord!

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