Monday, January 23, 2017

When He Comes

“Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy." (John 16:20)

Every time Jesus comes we find ourselves on the opposite side the world chooses. Even as a harmless baby in a makeshift crib the world tried to murder our Lord Jesus. Shepherds and wise men rejoiced, but the evil king sent soldiers to slay the Holy One of God. Later in His life, the world had its day and killed our Lord on the cross...or so it seemed to them. As we can read in our verse today, Jesus the Lord knew all about what was going to happen. He did not flee to Mesopotamia; He faced the world for our sake, and on the third day sorrow was turned to joy.

The future of this world holds more of the same for us. The world powers will rejoice over the deaths of God's prophets in the end, but sorrow will turn to joy for those who love God and great fear for those rejoicing in the streets over the prophets' bodies. (Rev 11) At the very end of this age, the world will rejoice in its triumph while much sorrow follows those who believe in the Christ. Once again though, the return of Jesus will turn sorrow to joy, and such a joy it will be! And by the way, all those brothers and sisters in Christ we sorrow over will be coming with Him on that great day when He comes.

Great is His Name!

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