Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Look to Him!

"Look to Me, and be saved,
all you ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:22

Admit it, we sometimes throw our hands up, wave them about, and shout for the Lord to notice us. The view of the flesh is that God cannot see us (because we cannot see Him) and we must therefore put on some kind of show to catch His almighty attention. Literally or figuratively, we jump up and down, and do things to to give the Father some help in seeing the suffering one. Throughout the Word of God though we see verses like the one above from Isaiah. The Lord is consistently reminding us to look to Him.

Through shows of remorse or piety, contrition or religion, many seek to gain the attention of the Lord. As is often the case, these things are good and right when genuine, but so many, and I have been one, put on the show for the Lord. We think that just maybe the Lord does not understand our current pain, or maybe He is concentrating on more important matters. Who could be more important than every one the Lord Jesus died to save? Who could understand us better than God who knows our every thought and feeling? Of course when we are putting on the show for Him we don't ask those questions.

"Look to Me, and be saved," the Word commands. Centuries before He was born in Bethlehem, the plan of salvation was on the way through prophecy. Isaiah got to deliver the message, but God sent it from His own Word. Is it likely, we ask ourselves on this morning, that God in His goodness would save us on the cross and then abandon us to the tribulations of the world? As the child says, "Not hardly!" The Good Shepherd watches over His flock on this day and every other. In this world we will have tribulation, but the Lord Jesus Christ has overcome the world!

A big 'Thank You!' to our Lord who cares for us,


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