Tuesday, January 24, 2017

On The Verge

I was on the verge of total ruin,
​​In the midst of the assembly and congregation. (Prov 5:14)

M Benson kindly pointed out this morning that we are on the verge between a really nasty freezing rain day and just a cloudy snowy day. We stand on the verge of many things, not the least of which may be the Great Tribulation and our entry into eternity. However, in Proverbs, the writer told of how he stood on the verge of ruin, while in the midst of the assembly and congregation. Standing on the verge of ruin publicly only adds to the tension, and we may well find ourselves in that sort of position.

The shame and embarrassment of public humiliation is of course something we try to avoid. Good advice, loving counsel, prayer and deep study in the Word of God can help us to avoid just such a terrifying situation. How did the writer find himself on the verge? Adultery, and he got there by not following teaching and instruction. When it comes to the verge though, any sin will do to catapult us into ruin. Sin is clever that way, and kind of mean too.

We may face public shame due to sin, but praise God for His willingness to forgive us. It is one thing to face people in shame, quite a different situation to face the Almighty in shame and disgrace.

Have a colder day in Christ!

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