Monday, June 20, 2016

Planting a Pack of Frustration

Summer officially starts today, but we have had quite a bit of summer already. So, with today being the so-called longest day of the year, what are we going to accomplish by way of celebration on this day? Yes, I'm with you; we're going to get up and go to work as usual because that's the way things operate in this world. In order to celebrate a little, we must work a lot. And, if you are the one putting on the celebration for others, well then the work starts before, continues through, and finally ends well after the event. Perhaps working the celebration is even how you make your living in this world.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, toil is how we make our way in this world. It was a curse, but not a curse God cursed us with. The toil went with the desire to rebel against God's way and go their own way instead. Adam worked in the Garden, but he found no toil there. Adam did not strive to become head gardener, or senior gardening specialist, or even director of gardening science; all that competition and promotion stuff came after the fall. Adam did not dread his annual performance review, snide remarks from the boss, or yet another odd memo from HR, at least not until after the fall, that is. Never in his wildest dreams would the gardener Adam think to plant a pack of bad seeds in the garden God gave to him. But after the fall, Adam planted a pack of frustration that we feel all the way down to this day.

Praise God that it isn't all that way. The Lord loves all of His gardeners; fallen and sinful as we are, frustrated and sad at times, but always we are ready to celebrate in the Lord and to look up gratefully for the sacrifice of His Son. We long for that greatest of celebrations when the Lamb takes His bride. We enjoy little celebrations as we can along the way, and praise God for the privilege. We delight in Him and He in us. Maybe we can't celebrate every day now, but we understand this is not what God has in store for eternity. Though frustrations may pile up at work, we also know that not working is much worse.

May God bless you in your work on this great day!


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