Monday, June 27, 2016

Cave In!

This morning, a story recalled a story that sent me down a rabbit trail to an episode way back in the day of my own life. Did you ever received a promise from a sales rep in your home that the company he worked for did not honor? Can you even recall when sales reps actually came to your home? Perhaps not, but once upon a time, a sales rep promised me something at no charge, but after the thing came in the mail his company sent an invoice with a charge on it. Eventually, I paid the charge and notched up another mark to the dishonesty of travelling salesmen. I had a cave in.

In thinking about that incident, I could write this morning of forgiveness, but we'll save that for another time. Today, the question is: are we as Christians to act the doormat? In other words, should we just wear a sign on our chests that says something like, "Doormat, please step on me"? You might say that is metaphorically speaking, but, no, that is not always true, sometimes the stomping is literal too.

Some Christians would say a hearty "NO!" to acting the doormat. They would also be correct in saying that some would take advantage of a person in that position. We've all seen it happen, perhaps even in a church. On the other hand, Jesus did speak of turning the other cheek, giving up your shirt when your cloak is taken, and going the extra mile. With these verses in mind, some Christians would tell us to let the armed burglar gun down not only ourselves but the family as well. "If God doesn't protect you then His will must be that you all die," they say. Ouch! What a terrible thing to say. And it might be wrong as well for who are you and I to say what God wants or did or did not do in every situation?

That is where the blessed assurance found in our Lord and Savior comes to our aid. Whatever you or I do in a given situation, whether we stand or fall, live or die, we do it all to the glory of God, and one day we will be with Him forever in Heaven. Whatever happens to us in this fallen world, we have a steadfast promise that Jesus our Lord will return for us. His promises are not like those of the world; we have a blessed assurance in Him!

Have a great new week in Christ!

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