Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Another Day, Another Storm

So, an old friend issues a challenge to me to take a nature photograph each day for seven days. Two days, two damaging storms. What do we call this old friend's name now? Mud? Is he welcome in our little town? Will we survive all seven days of this challenge?

Half of my ash tree out front fell down in last night's storm. The noise was like someone crumpling up a big piece of construction paper; it didn't tell of the destruction outside. I wonder if my witness is noisy enough to get the attention of those going down that easy path to destruction? But what is my witness anyway? The tree missed my house by yards - I can witness to God's mercy in the midst of the storm!

It is interesting that each day we are given all we need to witness to God's glory and His everlasting mercy. What is my witness? Look what God has done; nothing more than that. Well... we have a little prophecy too in this Word of God. We can show what He has done, and rest assured (and assure others!) that the remainder will happen as well. In all of it, God's love and mercy shines through!

Have a blessed day and a great hope in Him!


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