Thursday, June 02, 2016

God's Promises

The building of the first temple in Jerusalem was a huge event for the nation of Israel. The tabernacle before it spoke of wandering and instability (at least to the human mind), and it was a reminder of the promised land they didn't get. The new temple was built on a rock with giant stones speaking of permanence, of settling down, peace, and stability. So, Solomon the wise stands up before the people to dedicate the new Temple:

"O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion." (1 Kings 8:23 NLT)

It wasn't God's fault that Israel had to wander forty years in the desert; for Solomon reminds the people, and us, that God never fails to keep His covenant. However, we fail often and the result is wandering into situations that we don't like. Solomon lead the people in prayer at a great moment in Israel's history, but we can't visit that temple today because the nation's devotion fell to kind of halfhearted devotion and then finally to none at all. God's presence was left alone in the Temple and His prophets were thrown out and even murdered. God had kept His part of the covenant with unfailing love but gone was the wholehearted devotion on the other side.

Today, let God strengthen us back to wholehearted devotion to Him through His Holy Spirit. Let His perfect love cast out our fear and let us take hold of the peace Jesus gave to us. We do indeed have much to live for!


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