Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You Came For The Food

The pot luck at the church features food. A meeting for prayer at the restaurant involves food. We meet at the home of a church family and food is brought out. So, Jesus feeds the five thousand and a great miracle is enjoyed by all. He crosses the Sea of Galilee on foot one night, and the crowds follow the next day by boat. When they ask, "Rabbi, when did you come over here?" Jesus says, in the modern vernacular, "Y'all just came for the food!" Well, yeah, food is a big part of our lives. We cook and enjoy; eat and enjoy even more. Food is a big deal for us. So, continuing in John 6, Jesus uses this to teach about what is really important.

In the first of His wonderful 'I Am' statements, Jesus says, "I Am the bread of life." Not the bread that satisfies the stomach for just a little while, or even the bread necessary to sustain our earthly life for a few more days, but the bread of life. As in eternal life, something unending and forevermore, brought to us by Jesus in Himself. We came for the food, but received something much more. Like the woman at the well, we wanted a magical food and drink that relieved us of a daily chore, but Jesus brought us something good for eternity. Praise God for seeing the need we really have.

In Christ,

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