Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Where Do We Go From Here?

Sunday, the big event: Jesus rose from the dead and the tomb was empty. Monday, tell everyone! Tuesday comes and the question must be asked, where do we go from here? There are those days in the Christian life where no instructions arrive to send us to visit a sick person in the hospital, pray for those in need, or sing a hymn of praise. All these can be done, but the express order line from God is quiet and angelic messengers seem to be in short supply. A sort of pause settles over the land of the Christian. The mighty armies of Heaven are not on maneuver, the assault of the evil one hasn't happened or has finished, and we wonder that same question: Where do we go from here?

It may well be that God has you and me positioned just where He wants us for the time being. A day without big events is something many look forward to in their hectic life. We must enjoy it while we have it. Some Christians are on the move this day and would look at us with a bit of envy should we choose to complain. Gratitude for the times and seasons of pause is our loving response to God. We know that the time of moving for the Lord will come in its due time. Perhaps our next move will be the one where we come home to that place Christ has gone to prepare for us. We may also have many a task to accomplish in Christ before that time too. Where do we go from here? Today, the answer may well be that we stay right here. Praise God for His plans!


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