Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Those Yet To Come

Today may well be the start of that end time with the rapture of the church...or, we may wake up tomorrow and go to work as usual on a Thursday. Generations may yet come to this earth before the Antichrist and the Tribulation and all that begins. Weddings, children, grandchildren and graduations may come to pass before the end times. You and I may be long gone and buried before the day the Lord has set for the return of Christ arrives in all His glory. Like the generation long ago that Paul admonished to get back to work, we may find it easy to quit and wait for the Tribulation. God may tell us in few words or many that our mission is not complete just yet. And it is not such a bad thing to watch the generations come and go while we work.

The Word tells us that the fruit of the womb is a reward from God (Ps 127:3). Jesus told the disciples that in the end days there would be weddings and the many other usual things of life going on right up to the final moments. We yet have time before the final harvest to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. While we do that, we may get married, have children, work at a job, and the many other things that make up our daily life. Nations may rise and fall, rulers come and go, and one or two toe stubs may yet be in store for us in this life. All of us are now hoping that last one isn't true. Toe stubs? What a horrible thought! Where is the joy and love in this message? Alas, all the painful things we hope the rapture of the saints will rescue us from may yet arise in this life. Jesus will see us through!

Have a great day in Christ!

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