Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Welcoming Place

A couple of people were talking within my hearing yesterday, so I thought that holding their conversation up for public ridicule in the devotional would be the ticket for today. Actually, they just gave me an idea for a subject. A new store opened near our town; it seems there is a problem with the feel of the store for one, and the design, layout, or appearance of the entrance for the second. As a person who developed the PTSD, I can relate to this sort of thing. I have been to places where the ambiance, atmosphere, appearance, architecture or something just didn't sit right with me and all those 'a' words caused another one in me: anxiety. The bottom line for a retail operation is sure to be affected by poor design of an entrance. People must feel welcomed by the entrance first and the remainder of the store as well. What does this mean for us as we help to build Christ's kingdom?

We may easily think that nothing of these things has any bearing on the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit will move those who will believe to come to any ol' church and that our job is to study the Word of God. I'm not so sure that will work for us. God didn't save us through the sacrifice of His Son so that we might check our brain at the door and wander into the church building with an empty head. If our meeting place is not welcoming, the unbeliever has but one more reason never to enter. Of course, the church building is but one example. We must make our Bible study place welcoming, our homes welcoming, and even our personal appearance welcoming to make that contact when the seekers come seeking the Lord.

Now, the specifics of how to do that... Well, that's a subject way too big for this morning or perhaps even for an entire day. As in all challenges in the Christian walk, prayer comes first. Take it to God in prayer.

Have a great day in the Lord!


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