Thursday, April 09, 2015

THE Book to Read

I read a good definition of eternity in the comics this morning: imagine a book that each time you read a gets two pages longer. Now, you only have one book to read, but in which place do you want to spend eternity? Aaaiieee! Do we get to choose the book? I like books, but I also like them to end. A good ending makes a good book into a great read. There is this one good book that we call the good book. It has an awesome beginning full of history, great deeds, and adventure. In the middle is this wonderful peak, perhaps the greatest story ever told. But there is more! This book turns foreshadowing into an art form - all the hints about the future come true in marvelous ways! Want more still? Yes, this book is about life, you, me, what has happened in our great past and a God who loves us. Throughout this book are revelations about our future and a way to have an eternal future in the best of places. Sounds almost too good to be true.

That much we know, for this book pulls no punches when it comes to describing the people who went before us and the condition of us in the here and now. Sin enters the story right near the start and doesn't leave until near the very end. Murderers, rapists, liars, the deceitful and treacherous, and all the worst sorts of people live in these pages and the main character reminds us that we are no better. We have a big bad in this story, a great enemy who stalks us seeking to devour. There is mortal peril that involves eternal condemnation - but also a bright and glorious future eternity just for the admission of sin and belief in a Savior.

Of course you know the book I am referring to and that it is a collection of books of history, prophecy, instruction, law, letters, messages, personal accounts, and God's love. In all our Bible reading and study, we must not miss that last one. God's love is the central theme throughout this great book from Genesis to the Revelation. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends." (John 15:13) How does that make you feel dear friend of Jesus?

In Christ,

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