Friday, February 20, 2015

Wait, The Powerboat Speaks

We don't all move at the same speed. When it comes to quiet time, some of us need more and others less. I don't have to change the person who loves to be busy. The Christian who seems to constantly move at a 'hundred miles an hour' doesn't need to speed me up. Jesus didn't command us to change everybody to what we think is best, but to "love your neighbor as yourself." Obedience to that command gives us two reasons to avoid envy of our neighbor's condition or circumstance. Loving your neighbor makes one glad for who he is and what he has. Loving yourself means that you don't need to become him or covet his stuff. In the same way, Christians who are very different in their approach to life come together to form the Church, the bride of Christ.

The powerboat and the sailing vessel strive toward the same harbor. We all want to see Jesus and enter into His eternal kingdom. However, the boats make different speeds at different times. There are those times when the wind is fair astern and the boats could, it seems, be lashed together. This may not be well as then neither vessel can do what it does best. Could they not complement each other, or help the other in some way? Sure, but it would take cooperation, mutual respect, love, and a master sailor to be in charge. Ah...I suppose we have hit upon the way Jesus will bring all these very different vessels of ours into that one eternal harbor. Love and the Master, a sure way for us all to arrive safely.

Let Christ Jesus lead the way!

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