Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ah, Lent, Why Am I Worried Over Thee?

Build a large and lengthy obstacle course, and inevitably someone will complete it and feel pretty good about themselves. That's all well and fine if it is just for physical exercise, but what happens if a religion does that on a spiritual level? Construct plenty of monuments, command enough ceremony, set aside enough holy days, build an educational ladder of duties and classes, then grant levels to attain like a video game, and you may have the Pharisees beat for a self-saving sort of religious exercise. Lent or any other religious duty is not bad of itself when used properly, but one must take care to not give the impression there is any other way to salvation than Jesus Christ.

Too many religious exercises, and a person may fall into the trap of thinking that he alone accomplished his goodness. Much like the wealthy fellow who sees no need for God in this life, the self-righteous may see a strict training regimen as a way to save the self without the Savior. Our churches and even small study groups should not help to foster such a self-centered belief. With good reason Jesus said that He is THE way in John 14:6. Nicodemus could not birth himself again - or even the first time for that matter - and no one can save him- or herself. We need our Savior, and praise God we need Him every moment of each day.

Have a wonderful Wednesday in Christ!

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