Monday, February 09, 2015

The Monday Morning Superhero

In the comic book days of yore, or maybe that was the days of mine, the superhero sprung from bed or whatever and went speeding to the rescue. Seldom did a comic book superhero fail to answer the call to come help. Superman's day job not only allowed him the necessities of life in the big city, but also the freedom to take off whenever needed to attend to the big bad causing so much trouble. We all want to be like the big guy, but even the super fellow had his one weakness.

As I recall, if a chunk of his home planet, Krypton, came near him, he would have but the strength of a normal man. How horrible! To be reduced to what every other man must depend on each day, oh, the tragedy, the utter horror and despair that must consume the poor less-than-super man! As I grew older and away from the comic books, I had only what strength God gave me to face the day. And, I grew to have less sympathy for the comic book superhero and more for the Monday morning superhero.

This hero gathers up what seems a rather sparing provision of strength and praises God that it was just enough for this morning. The big bad may not spew flames and toss buildings around for this hero, getting to work might take all she has on this particular day. The kids spring out of bed, but for these heroic parents the bedspring failed to fire (or worse, it seems to have fired all night long). We know the day and we know that feeling. It doesn't happen all the time, and a big praise to God for that, but on those days when it does the struggle seems that much heavier for us. We know that God provides just enough strength on some mornings, but it feels like just less than enough.

Praise God that feeling falls to such small things on most days. A bit of breakfast, singing a song of praise to God, a little time in the Word, and we are ready to go for the day. Going over our memory verses during a morning stroll defeats the feeling too. Get up and have a godly day in Christ Jesus!


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