Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Obvious Mutiny

Three of those atomic clocks grace my home, and this morning one of them staged a mutiny. I woke up to find the clock on the north wall 2 hours ahead of the others. Other than that momentary look of surprise and panic on my face, I cannot see a good reason for this mutiny. Of course, I had to then conduct a poll among the other clocks in the house to make sure I hadn't lost 2 hours somewhere. With nearly every other clock in agreement, we had a rather obvious mutiny in the ranks. I use 'nearly' as there is one clock I failed to fall back, but that problem will be corrected soon. In the first chapters of the Bible, God ran into an obvious mutiny too.

As the Lord arrived for an evening walk with His favorite gardener, He found the man hiding in the trees. The Lord asks the natural question, "Where are you?" The Man proceeds to the next step in that parent-child relationship that continues to this day. It is interesting that from the moment their eyes were opened, the man and woman began hiding things. What the Lord had created and saw that it was good, now felt bad. What the Lord created as innocent and pure, now felt ashamed to face the Creator. Nothing can be hidden from God, but Adam and Eve tried to hide. When found out, Adam the Man blamed Eve. Eve in turn pointed the finger of blame at the Serpent. Notice that the Serpent was not questioned by God. The obvious mutiny was traced to the obvious source.

Does that mean we get to blame everything sinful on the Devil? Sorry, we are responsible for the decision to sin. Our obvious mutiny and every sin must look one and all like that very first one back in the Garden of Eden. We try to hide it, then we try to blame someone else; we have no good excuse, and if it weren't so tragic it would be funny. If we could but see how silly and childish we look trying to hide our mutiny from the God who sees all things, we might just choose another route next time. But, we don't and even cannot in our own strength. So, we come as Paul did to the point of offering up our weakness to God. It seems a strange thing to do, but then again, we are the ones trying to hide in the trees.

Have a great new day in Christ Jesus!

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