Thursday, February 26, 2015

Such a Rebel

The up-and-coming model claims she doesn't like to be told what to do. No surprise there, diva-like behavior is often associated with models and other celebrities. But that isn't the reason we aren't surprised; we too have the rebellion in us. Few people like to be told what to do. This is why surrender to Christ is so important for salvation and sanctification. Once the Serpent mucked things up between the Man and God we all went for a ride on the rebellion train. Where there had been a loving relationship, now the Man and his woman hid in trees and covered their shame. The fruits of that rebellion gave us the first murder in short order, then all the other first sins. Sacrifices for sin, punishment by death, a world-ending flood, but no, none could stop the rebellion for long. God gave His good and perfect law, but that couldn't stop the rebellion. Prophets, kings and teachers came with words of hope and warning, but no, the rebellion continued.

Finally, after an entire Old Testament of rebellion, Jesus told a teacher that he must start over, completely over, as in a rebirth. Learning couldn't do it, wealth and giving were not enough, even obedience to the Law could not change the basic rebel heart deep down in each of us. So, God sent His only Son to give us a chance to be reborn. A start over that we long for, but not in the way we usually imagine it. No going back to an age of our choosing with the knowledge we have gained since that time. No restart in business with our youth and strength intact. Instead, God provided a gift of the Holy Spirit to change that heart within, a gift of mercy for our sins, and a gift of grace paid for by Jesus on the Cross. Our restart is more like a seed that must push up the new growth through layers of filth and decay. That old rebellion tries to grab the new plant and choke it out. The world doesn't like to lose one of its own. Praise God for the cleansing, healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Let that old rebel die a bit more today, Jesus is coming!


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