Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We Like A Little Stability

Good Tuesday morning to you and may God's blessings rain down on you today! This morning, my truck is parked out in the back 40, as in the back 40 feet in my case. Yet, the cat climbed up in the engine compartment again to sleep. I'm trying to stop this bad habit before a disaster occurs. As I thought about this thing, I realized that of all the changes she has endured this summer, the truck and its hiding places have remained the most stable. No doubt her scent (and furry fuzz) are well spread around in a place that you and I know is potentially fatal for a cat. Yet, she climbs back up to her comfort zone instead of sleeping in the shop where I placed her towel. The shop changes almost daily as I get things put together, unpacked, remodeled, repacked, stored, and whatever else, it seems, can cause a rearrangement of a kitty's world. Like the cat, you and I desire a bit of stability in our lives.

This desire can cause us to remain in a job for too long. Perhaps even past the point where stress has taken over our lives. A desire for stability can lead us to remain in a town even when our calling may be on the other side of the world. But stability is not all bad. A stable bank in this age is a good thing and certainly not to be taken for granted. Stable finances in our personal lives can give us access to credit for buying a home or vehicle. Back the other way, the instability in our families for some decades now has hurt our churches and our country. We like a little stability, but often we don't seem to have any of it. This desire for stability may be why we look beyond corporations, governments, organizations, and even buildings and planets. We look for a higher power. In my Bible, I find a higher power who has not changed since the beginning, and promises not to change through the ending. I believe the term God uses is 'from everlasting to everlasting'.

I cannot fathom in my mind one 'everlasting', so two of them is way beyond my comprehension. I like that God does not need to change and has not changed. When I believe in God, then I gain comfort from knowing that He is in control of all things. My belief does not change God, it opens the door to knowing God more.


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